Monday, July 27, 2009


HURRAY!! Yulia just emailed me and she submitted our dossier to the SDA!!! She hopes to know our appointment date Friday or next Monday!! I'm so excited and nervous. Please pray all goes well. Excuse me while I go throw up now!! :)


  1. Woo Hoo cant wait to hear the news! BTW: Can you send me an invite to Its just a pain to have to keep signing out and back in.. sorry to be so pushy!!!

  2. YAY- can't wait to see when you travel! We are still trying to make a decision. I read your last post- YAY on the finances being provided!!! God is good!

  3. Wow, you have been so busy. I've read thru your blog and I'd say you got a lot accomplished in a few short months! I'm impressed. I can't wait for you to meet your daughter and I can't wait for you to get her home embraced in your love, prayers, advocacy and nutrition! She's beautiful. I'm sending you hugs and won't it be wonderful to have both our daughter's home before year end! The journey of a thousand only the beginning.
